Saturday, April 10, 2010

And We're Off...

Well....we did I write this, we are settled  in our new little abode on the second floor over at the in-laws. Things are coming together better over here than I thought they would, quite frankly...Russell and I are both organizational freaks, so this type of situation bodes well for us..and we are working like fiends to get everything in it's place before we take to the skies on Monday.

We handed in the keys to the apartment yesterday, and moved most everything into storage...if any would-be thief ever decides our unit is the one to rob...I hope they have accomplices that aren't standing at the door because they will need someone to call 911 from the wall of boxes that just fell on 'em! I'm just sayin....

At this point, we are just crazy excited to get this show on the road...other than the last few goodbyes...we really have no anxiety (not that Russell ever has anxiety...that would be ME) at all.. We are excited for our anniversary trip in Europe and even more excited to get on the ground in the coming blogs, I will pinpoint exactly where we will be, so that those of you who are prone to looking at things on a map can see exactly where it is we are living, and once we get on the ground, I can give you a better idea of exactly how the "plan" is coming along.

And my oh my, it has been awesome to see God at work the last couple of weeks...going before us in every affirmation that what we are doing is ABSOLUTELY what we should be doing...SOOOO...wheels up Monday afternoon at stop.....Munich.....will try to post from there, along with pics...

So long, fare well, aufiderzein, goodbye....doot-do-do-do-do-do-do-do....doot-do-do-do-do


  1. Coo Coo for Coco Puffs! Be careful. Don't look the Gorillas in the eye. Take some good toilet paper. Oh, and some skeeter spray.

  2. Oh, thinking of you today. You guys bring a smile to my face just thinking of what you are doing....How awesome is the Rainey family?!! Have a wonderful anniversary celebration...every time my friends celebrate their anniversary I want to give them a standing ovation. Yay and lots of hand clapping for you two... so proud of you both for so many reasons. Love yas, Melissa x
